Eastern Africa have long bean spot as ideal place for testing and cultivation of Kappaphycus alvarezii and Eucheuma denticulatum; in fact local strains of these genera were documented in Mozambique Nampula and Cabo Delgado provinces. Mozambique testing cultivation of eucheumatoids date back to the year 1995 and Kenya followed few years’ latter. This paper highlight the history of eucheumatoid testing, cultivation and engagement of communities emphasizing a comparative analysis and existing challenges to deal with this commodity. The company Copenhagen pectin A/S of Denmark made recognition of areas for cultivation of Eucheuma sp., in Cabo Delgado province in Northern Mozambique having identified 940 ha, where about 450 ha was used in an experimental phase in the years 1995-1997; gross harvest was estimated at about 3000 to 5000 tons. Production in this country dwindled afterwards and in 2004 it reduced to 140 tons. All farms were closed in 2009 due to production problems, diseases and inconsistent logistics. This activity was achieved using off-botton method (floating rafts methods only tested). This venture involved about 2,000 farmers, of whom 80% were women. Local mariculturists (men and woman) earned about 60 USD per month. Nampula Province (northern Mozambique) seaweed cultivation testing dates back to 2006, but quite recently in 2018, a Tunisian-based company (Selt Mozambique) started in euchematoid testing farming using modified off-bottom method on a concession of 500 Ha in Nacala Bay and in the adjacent Fernão Veloso Bay where they employed up to 700 people. Kappaphycus alverezii and Eucheuma denticulatum are the cultured species. Kenya cultivation located in southern Kenya is centered in two species, using modified off-bottom method. Most production is exported mainly via Tanzania were the above mentioned Selt company (with office in Zanzibar) is a buyer. Kenya has witness an increase of seaweed production frpm 5 to 94 MT per year, in 6 years. Kenya process involved five stakeholder’s groups whereas Mozambique new start in Nampula involves mainly three. Floating raft methods testing yielded more seaweed production however this method poses some challenges for community engagement in wider commercial cultivation. Outcomes of this document will help to oversee and brainstorming on best-practices in eucheumatoid cultivation and community engagement support as well steer discussion on interconnecting value chains in the region of the Western Indian Ocean.