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Best Applications Developed Using Python Programming Languages


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Python is a versatile, high-level programming language that can be used to develop applications by professional app development companies for virtually any application domain. Some of the best applications developed using Python include software development tools such as Django, Flask and Pyramid; web frameworks such as Google App Engine and Twisted; machine learning libraries such as TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn; data analysis libraries like Pandas and NumPy; game engines like PyGame and Pyglet; user interface frameworks like QtPy and WxPython; desktop graphical user interfaces (GUIs) such as GTK+ (GIMP Tool Kit); artificial intelligence (AI) frameworks like AIMA Python Library, OpenCV, NLTK and Orange; image processing libraries including SimpleCV, PIL (Python Imaging Library), scikit-image library etc.

In addition to these powerful tools for developing applications with Python, there are numerous other popular open source projects built on this language which have been successfully deployed in a variety of domains. These include web scraping projects such as Scrapy or Beautiful Soup, Natural Language Processing Tools like NLTK or SpaCy , big data analytics packages like Hadoop or Spark , data science packages including IPython Notebook , Blockchain development packages e.g., Ethereum’s Solidity compiler , security systems et al.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to developing with Python due to its versatility across various platforms ranging from mobile devices through to embedded systems. The growing open source community also makes it easy for developers to find resources that they need while providing increasingly powerful solutions every day – making it one of the most popular languages in use by software developers today.

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