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How Quickly Does Oseltamivir Work? -


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Oseltamivir, often known as Tamiflu, is a powerful antiviral medicine that promptly relieves influenza symptoms. When administered within 36 hours of symptom start, oseltamivir has been demonstrated to shorten illness duration by up to 1.5 days and lower symptom intensity by up to 38% compared to placebo. This quick effect is due to oseltamivir's method of blocking the neuraminidase enzyme, which is required for the reproduction of influenza A and B viruses. By blocking the virus from spreading, oseltamivir shortens the illness's duration and severity.

In addition to its effectiveness in treating influenza, Anti flu Medicine acts swiftly to prevent illness progression. When taken as seasonal or household prophylaxis during a time of local influenza activity, oral oseltamivir (75 mg once or twice daily for 6 weeks) significantly reduced the development of spontaneously acquired influenza by more than 70% compared to placebo in uninfected otherwise healthy people. Furthermore, when given within 48 hours of the infected person's symptom onset, short-term therapy of oseltamivir (75 mg once daily for 7 days) may greatly lower the risk of disease in household contacts. These findings demonstrate oseltamivir's quick and effective impact in treating and preventing influenza infections.
