MMOEXP : The pursui...
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MMOEXP : The pursuit of information of Elden Ring players


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Elden Ring Runes Players Are Killing The Turtle Pope, and Rejecting Their Humanity

Dogs are fantastic, even if they're shaped as a huge turtle. But the Lands Between is an unforgiving location where boundaries are crossed and sacrifices need to be made in the pursuit of information of Elden Ring players. The knowledge gained came with a heavy cost for Miriel the pastor of Vows who lived to the fullest. It was all because people were looking for the response to "What happens when you take out Turtle Pope?" Turtle Pope?"

Miriel Also known as the "Turtle Pope" is a tortoise with a soft voice who is a steward for the Church of Vows. Even though Miriel cannot leave the ruin of the church because of his legs being less than they were, the mild-mannered tortoise is eager to serve as a guide for players, teaching them spells and incantations. Miriel will also teach the player something about the tales of the world all the while emphasizing his enthusiasm for learning. He's not the type of person that people would want to attack. But folks do know that certain NPCs found in Elden Ring drop items, some of which may be impossible to gain through quests. So the curiosity exists, morbidly.

YouTuber Prizzaa has uploaded a slew of "What happens if" Elden Ring videos, released a one-minute video that documented their murder of Miriel. To add insult to injury they killed her with the help of Envoy's Horn. Beware: the video below contains video game turtle snuffing. The viewer should exercise discretion.

While the act of murder is morally wrong, killing Miriel leads to players obtaining the Miriel's Bell Bearing, an item players can use to gain things from Twin Maiden Husks located at the Roundtable Hold. Oh god, 12 turtleneck meats.

After suffering some brutal hits from a dastardly brass instrument, Miriel is attempting to stop Prizzaa's brutal ways by explaining to them that their attacks are pointless since his flesh is like stone. Miriel's appeals aren't heard by the YouTuber and force his wise turtle to retreat to the safety of his shell before they continue their onslaught.

"I can't die, and neither will I cause harm unto your family," Miriel says. "Cease all efforts to make me a better person."

But cease Prizzaa does not. The video then sped through more violent bonks and toots while Drowning Pool's "Let the Bodies are Hit on the Floor" plays as background music. Following the death blow, a hauntingly high-pitched scream escapes Miriel's lips (?) before he reaches the bridge of the rainbow high in the air. After having a bag full of Miriel's items, Prizzaa then saunters over to a temple in the hope of getting absolution. It's an act of forgiveness that, with Elden Ring Runes for sale the aid of an additional item, may lead to the rebirth of killed NPCs who were attacked or killed. They do not gain anything.

While a small portion of the comment section was appreciative of the information they gained from this little fucked up experimen

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