BeBiNet – a window to real problems of eucheumatoid farmers - Dr. Iain Neish
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This presentation was based on proposals done several months ago and it had an Indonesia-centric focus, since potential funding seemed possible on that basis. After viewing the presentations made to this TPCD workshop, I see that the tentative name of BeBiNet should stand for “Best Biosecurity Network” and not just for “Best Bibit Network”.
Furthermore, BeBiNet must build the coalition on a regional, if not global scale.
Actually the discussions that led to creation of the and Tropical Phyconomy Coalition Development efforts really started with discussions of how we should approach the creation of a BeBiNet coalition, and the present workshop presentations already bring substantial clarity to that issue, especially with respect to the academic and bureaucratic perspectives.
Our challenge now is to effectively engage seaweed farmers and other value chain participants into a workable coalition that effectively builds support for a Best Biosecurity Network.