Eucheumatoid farming in South Sulawesi related to temperature and light intensity - Dr. Lideman
Does higher temperatures and light intensity cause bleaching of thallus?
Dear Dr Lideman
Excellent presentation
What is the laboratory conditions like temp., salinity and light required for producing spores from Kappaphycus , how much time does it take to produce spores, what is its spore producing capacity and spore survival rates ,
Can we use any fragment of Kappaphycus collected from any season for spore production or any selection procedure to be followed, appreciate you if you could pl through more lights on this.
Best regards
Shanmugam, AQUAGRI, India
How to know that Eucheuma is under stress? Thank You
How to know that Eucheuma is under stress? Thank You
To Ready CRK,
Yes, higher temperature and higher light intensity can cause bleaching of thallus.
At temperature of 34 oC and light intensity 100 micromol photons per m2 per second, K. alvarezi get bleaching after 7 days.
Thank you for the clarification
To Munisamy
We use Temperature of 24-27 oC, Salinity of 30-32 oC and Light Intensity of 800-1000 lux.
We use carposporophyte, the fertile sporophyte of Kappaphycus will release spore after 1 to 7 days.
We can use fertile fragment from dry and raining season (Indonesia just has dry and raining season).
To Mely BL,
We can measure Maximum Quantum Yield and Efective Quantum Yield of Photosyntem II that describe photosynthetic transfer electron per photon.
And by naked eyes, we can see loosing color of the K. alvarezii. For example the color change from dark brown to yellowish.